Who are we?
Part of a vibrant, inclusive, global network of amazing international choirs, SHE Choir Auckland is a community choir for anyone who identifies as female or non-binary and loves to sing in harmony. We're non-audition, although we do require that all members are able to sing in tune, so we and our audiences can enjoy the experience to the full!
What do we sing?
We sing original arrangements of pop, rock, indie, R&B and classic hits, everything from Destiny's Child to Fleetwood Mac to Whitney Houston and The Beths, all in three-part harmony. We don't use sheet music, but we do provide lyrics and learn via call and response. Don't worry if you're not sure which part your voice is best suited to – we can help you work that out and you're welcome to give all of them a go.

How does it work?
SHE Choir is collaborative, so our success is based on us being a mutually supportive community. Members are encouraged to get involved with running the group in whatever way they feel comfortable, whether that's leading a warm-up, teaching an arrangement, helping with admin and event organisation or just being an active, engaged participant at rehearsals.
What's the commitment?
In order for us to feel like a dedicated, thriving, connected team in which everyone's up with the play, we ask that members honour their commitment by aiming to attend 80% of rehearsals. Our year is divided into four 10 to 12-week terms (unrelated to school terms), each followed by a two-week break. We gently suggest new members consider attending for a full term, if possible, before deciding whether or not SHE's for you.
What does it cost?
We want SHE to be accessible to everyone, but we do have to cover a few costs, so we welcome members to contribute an optional monthly koha of $5 to $10. These donations go towards the hire of the rehearsal space and into the kitty for other choir-related expenses.
When do we meet?
We rehearse on Tuesdays from 6.30 till 8pm, usually in the Long Room at the Freeman's Bay Community Hall, although sometimes, due to availability, we need to switch to a different venue – members will be notified. The best access and parking is on Pratt Street. Please aim to arrive at 6.15pm so we can start on time at 6.30pm.
How do you join?
We have one new members night per term, sticking to this relatively strictly to give newcomers the best possible experience and to avoid ongoing disruption to rehearsals. Join us at Cityside, Grafton for the next one on Tuesday April 8, 2025 (there's no need to register or message in advance, just rock up), or come along on Tuesday July 1 or September 23 (venues for these nights to be confirmed). You can follow us on Instagram and Facebook for all the latest news and updates on these nights, our upcoming gigs and more, and please do send us a message if you have any questions.
Health & Covid safety
So as not to jeopardise anyone else's health, please don't come to rehearsal if you're sick or feel as if you're getting sick. We don't require our members to wear masks to protect against Covid, but you're welcome to wear one if you'll feel more comfortable doing so. You might also like to wear a mask at rehearsal if you're not contagious but still recovering from an illness.